MCPB: The Earliest Shots

These are some of the earliest shots I took using my new Kodak camera. I am still trying to get used to this new gadget. It is very complicated! Hehe. I think there are things that I am not doing [or have done?] which explains why I don’t like most of my shots [or they’re not what I expect them to be]. But I hope I learn the ‘secrets’ real soon.

Neighborhood cat



A dog named Joker.

Lasagna by Pizza Hut.

9 thoughts on “MCPB: The Earliest Shots

  1. hey there!

    i’ve been checking ur site everyday when i go to work.. it’s very nice and informative although i have been here in cebu for almost 3 yrs now pero i havent experienced cebu to the highest level.. and u have very nice photos, too. btw, how much is the new cam? im planning to buy a new one sad..

  2. Pingback: cebu zoo

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