The Joys of Shopping (Unitop Style)

Shops with Taiwanese merchandise are sprouting like crazy all over downtown Cebu. Taiwan-made products are known to be of very low quality BUT they’re REALLY cheap. We decided to check one place called UNITOP and true enough, we were BLOWN AWAY by the range of items that they sell! I tell you, they have EVERYTHING – from life-sized dancing Santas to cheap dish-washing pastes.

You can get this Korean dress for only Php110!

Bags from Php50 to Php150!

Face Towels for only Php13 each.

This complete get-up is only Php250

Army-print shorts for only Php75

I don’t gotten this sign (Hahaha)

Sandals for Php80

They even have Mona Lisas. Haha!

DVD Players are also sold here.

Different table center/tops

Hangers for Php11 a piece.

Have you been to Unitop? Tell us about your experience in the comments section below!

19 thoughts on “The Joys of Shopping (Unitop Style)

  1. i’ve been to unitop almost every month to see what’s new, and they never fail to surprise me! they have the most cheap on-the-season fashioned clothes which is largely varied in colors and sizes… (everything is below P200.00).. almost all my clothes are from unitop and my sister is now called by her husband “unitop girl” cause all her clothes are from unitop.

    1. hi guys pwede ask ninyo?if naka palit namu ug product sa unitop va, then wrong ang pair ana nga product pwede pa ba ilisan?please i need someone to advice me nagkamali lang poh….;-{

  2. nyaks!.. bisag unsaon ka-barato.. low kaau ang quality sa ilang mga baligya.. nipis au ang ila gamit na tela.. maau ra mupalit didto ug mga ginagmay lang like mga housekeeping stuffs.. 😀

  3. lots of nice and cheap items maka afford ang masa.. but there are saleslady who doesn’t know how to treat customers well like MARY ANNE QUINITA of unitop gensan….SHE’S A BIG THREAT TO UR COMPANY!!!!!

  4. Unitap is a discusting company that should be put out of business.

    From it loud music that can cause deafness to cheap quality products and low wages. This company sucks.

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