Mountain View Nature Park Series IV: Tarzan’s Garden
This part of the park is sort of a small tribute to Tarzan and his wonderful world. The creatures you find in this park are the characters you can find in the Disney animated feature.
A very cute couple. hehehe
Welcome to Tarzan’s Garden
Welcome Bear. I’m not exactly sure if he’s in the film. LOL
Up we go!
Wow! I like this part!
Nice lamp
A fake tree trunk. hehehe
The mighty lion
Nice view
Race dog
Nice sculpture
View from the top
Spiral Staircase
More cottages
Obey park rules!
Gorilla or Urang-utan?
To Tarzan’s home
The hunk: Tarzan. LOL
I can tell that you’re used to your new cam now. It shows on your shots; very, very nice! This pkace is perfect for the kiddies. But, I must admit that I yearn to give Tarzan a big kiss, he’s my hero. lol
awesome shots,
awesome place,
awesome park,
if u did’nt say its fake tree trunk,
makatuo jud ko nga tinuod.
mangawat ta ko’g kapayas, pero kuyaw
kaayo ang guard da!
was blessed to be invited to stay here for a couple of days by my wifes aunt. i guess u would call her mrs mountain view nature park :P…i was astounded with the views from our little cabin especially first thing in the morning looking out over cebu towards the islands and the sea. theres not many views in the world that equal the view from the window of our little cabin, the perfect start to a lovely honeymoon…if ur reading this aurling , thank you so much for your generous hospitality , and i cant wait to return again to your lovely country..