BCBA 2022

MCPB is a 2022 BCBA Finalist!

I am happy to share that My Cebu Photo Blog is again a finalist in the yearly BCBA Best Cebu Blogs Awards for the Photo Blog category. For those who are familiar, MCPB was also a finalist last year. And the blog has, in fact, won the award multiple times in the past.

2010: Best Cebu Blog Awards – Top 1 Best Cebu Blog
2013: Best Cebu Blog Awards – Best Cebu Photo Blog
2019: Best Cebu Blog Awards – Best Cebu Photo Blog

The Journey

My MCPB journey has been nothing short of amazing. I was basically a kid 16 years ago. Eager and driven to show to the whole world what Cebu is. I’d like to believe that after 16 long years, I’ve done my share in promoting this beloved home of mine. It’s not much, I know, but one comment saying that they love what I do is more than enough.

16 years. Can you believe it? I’ve been traveling, and taking photos, and sharing stories for 16 long years. In the course of human existence, that is nothing. But in the course of MY lifetime, it IS everything.

BCBA 2022

I know that the competition this year, like always, is tough; bloggers are now becoming more and more creative with their content. But you know what? I’m not even scared anymore. It used to give me jitters and that horrible feeling that makes your stomach turn and your heart race. But now, all I have is joy. And amazement. And appreciation. Not everyone gets this kind of recognition. And here I am once again, talking all about it. Getting it. Celebrating it.

Celebrating 16 Years

MCPB is celebrating its 16th year next month and, honestly, I thought year 15 was this site’s last. But here we are, still fighting, surviving, and growing.

So, just like all the other times I’d posted something like this in the past, thank you all very much for the undying support. I wouldn’t have made it past the first year without all of you guys! Win or lose, MCPB is turning a year older, wiser, and bigger!

Daghan kaayong salamat! 🙂

If you enjoyed my travel stories and photos, please don’t forget to VOTE for me. VOTING LINK: https://bit.ly/3SGdtvZ


Also, thank you to all of this year’s sponsors, partners, and supporters! 🙂

Best Cebu Blogs Awards Logo
BCBA Official Logo


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