Carcar City: As Old As Time

Carcar, although considered a newbie as far as cityhood is concerned, is one of the oldest places in the Philippines. Situated some 45 kilometers from Cebu City, Carcar was the center of industry, commerce, and religion in the South during the Spanish regime. Carcar was basically a recreation of a Spanish village, containing all components like the plaza, the government offices, and the church. Following this system (with the church being the center of all activities,) all important structures [plaza, school, government offices, market, cemetery] are situated around the church. Carcar City is one rich example of the tradition left behind by the Spaniards.

Statues guarding the compound of the Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria

Church interior. Awesome retablo.

Intricate designs on the ceiling.

Common sights in old churches include:

– Crypts or burial chambers in church pillars, basement, and walls.

– Awesome floorworks which usually match the intricate ceiling designs.

– Two-way confessionals

– Ceiling-to-floor windows

– Side altars and retablos

– and Wooden pews.

The main altar.

Side entrance

Main facade of the church

One of the many statues

The other side of the church

Another statue

Main entrance [screen just recently installed]

Church candle vendor

Another angle

Statue of St. Catherine

Statue and the church

An old house [probably an office] just outside the church.

Have you been to Carcar City? Let us know about your experience in the comment section below!

26 thoughts on “Carcar City: As Old As Time

  1. Wow, lovely church! Me & my cousins had a run in with the priest, he refused to give us the eucharist because we were chewing gums, it was necessary to cover up the alcohol smell! We were evil then! LOL

  2. it is sad to take not that as time passes by this old church is deteriorating.. alot of changes has been made not taking into consideration the historical significance and architecural details. please save this vanishing treasure.

  3. The house on the last photo is beautiful. I’m curious what the inside looks like. I hope they have preserved the architectural integrity of the interior. I also hope these beautiful photos will encourage readers to explore Carcar. It’s a shame if, like me, people associate the town (or is it now a city?) with ampao only instead of its beautiful cultural heritage.

  4. The last picture is not a house but an old hospital. At the back of that same structure is an integrated old public swimming pool.

  5. kalain…la jd apili’g piktyor sa St. Catherine’s College ai? naa rmn ‘ta na sa tpad sa simbahan! hmmp, ‘ge nlang oi gaan chnce…dili ka catherinians noh??? hAHAHA

  6. la man lagi ang balay sa tisa ana? bitaw nagkaguapo na jud ang carcar karon. unya u dont need to go 2 the city para mag grocery or shopping kay nana say gaisano-kulang nalang sm unya apilan sag park mall ug IT Park bonga na!!
    But still the same associated ghapon sila sa ampaw ug chicharon which is quite unfair coz i think they really have loys of old houses na guapo gihapon tan awon. and not to mention the church-mura kog natransported sa europe!

  7. Dili jud ma waste inyo time if moari mo og carcar kay one of the most historical place baya ang carcar….come ang visit our place….which surely you will be satisfied with the thinngs and views you will see….see you soon…

  8. the statue infront of the church is not of Saint Catherine but thAt of Cristo Rey. Before, during the feast of King of Kings, mass will be held infront of this monument(it used to have stairs going up to the platform and walkway that allows people to go around the monument from the platform). tghose feature of this monument was demolished during the time of monsignor camomot, maybe because teenagers made the place a hideaway especially at night time. The building in between the city hall (present) and that of saint catherine’s school is the dipensary

  9. and the last photo was not a house… it was a dispensary… well, thanks anyway for including carcar in your photoblog 😀 looking forward to more of your photos 😀

  10. thanks for the old pix. yeah the last pix was the Dispensary and now it’s Carcar Museum.

    i have the latest pictures of the Church, Rizal, SCC, Leon Kilat and others, shot only last month during my vacation. whoever is interested I am greatful to share those photos.

  11. the old house is the Carcar Puericulture & Dispensary, and its amazing details influenced most of the architecture in the town.

  12. Hi. I am an alumna of St. Catherine’s School and I am writing an article on the ICM nuns to mark the 100th year of the congregation. If you have photos of St. Catherine’s School, I would like to use them to accompany the article. You will of course be credited for them. Kindly email me ASAP as a newspaper is already asking me for photos. Thank you very much.

  13. I am planning to visit Carcar St Catherine’s church but i dont have any idea how can i go there coming from Cebu town proper . I am from Manila . Please provide me info how to get tehre . thanks

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