When we reached the city of Carcar City, we noticed an old sign along the South National Road which said “Danny’s Shoes.” Since we had time to kill (and since we all know that Carcaranons are famous for being amazing footwear makers, we decided to check the place out.
It turned out that they had transformed a very old ancestral house into a pretty nice-looking display center for their products. If I am not mistaken, the house was also the original home of the owner. Inside, we found hundreds of pairs of well-made shoes and sandals on display. Awesome collection I must say.
Check out some of my photos of the display center below!
Danny’s Shoes Display Center in Carcar City, Cebu
The old sign which can be seen along the South National Road
Wooden stairs which lead customers to the main display area
Nice-looking sandals on display
They also sell ladies’ sandals.
I was able to buy this pair for high-quality and pretty durable sandals for only PhP150!
They sell bedroom sandals, too!
More footwear displayed in various parts of the house.
My aunt trying on a pair of footwear
Hala kanindot mag bargain hunting didto. Hopefully maka suroy ko.
Nice genuine leather footwears! For sure I’ll buy a few pairs or more in December when I visit my relatives there. =)
yup. daghan gyud mangadto didto. pero the people who go there are those who already know the place. mura man gud siyag tago kaayo. if you don’t see the sign, you’ll surely miss the place..
I was very sad to see our old house looking like that and my old bedroom used as a showroom but of course there’s nothing I could do;regrettabley it’s not our house anymore.
I was very sad to see our old house looking like that and my old bedroom used as a showroom but of course there’s nothing I could do;regrettably it’s not our house anymore. (typo correction made)
i,ve been in carcar a lot of times. me and my girlfriend use to go there on sundays mg.bargain hunting ug sandals. after we get a pair or two we won’t forget to dine at the nearby restaurant i think “acacia grill” is the name. yummy food they got there. Mmmm! makes me wanna go back there. hehehe
any contact number?
one of my friends bought a pair of shoes from danny’s and its amazing. quality is the best. send me some picture of leader shoes, pointed, formal, etc.
watch out for the danny’s shoes phils (angelique’s shoez) official website….
nada sandoy
i used to order him some espadrille shoes b4 long time ago. naa pa mu crochet na espadrille? that is good for summertime.
pls contact me on my number 09297553547 or email me at ashley_lyra2000@yahoo.com, im interested po on the shoes eh.. thanks.. how much po ba price ng shoes? thanks.. im lyra from davao
visit this link for the numbers: http://mycebuphotoblog.wordpress.com/2010/11/15/espadrilles-anyone/
hi maam, we are making website at very low rate for P 3,000.00 you will have your website ready. contact us @ +639234113315 or email us: jnl.thewebsitemaker@gmail.com
Hello. I hope to get the contact no. of Danny’s. I am selling ladies shoes here in the nearby province and wants to get more suppliers from Carcar for the variation of designs. Anybody knows the contact no. please email me at ichu202@yahoo.com. Thanks..
contact no.
main office: (032) 487-5860
home: (032) 487-9073
Are those contact numbers referring to Danny’s Shoes? Do you have any mobile # of Danny’s Shoes? Thank you so much.
nindot kaayo ang imong mga produkto. interesado gayud ko nga mahimong imong business partner dire sa Cotabato, maayo unta nga du kay catalog sa tanang mo mga products aron sa pag present sa mga propective buyers dire, bisan i house to house mo siya. the demand is good. aayo ug dunay kay celphone or any contact numbers..thanks
naa mo baligya spadrilles? if naa tag pla nya if mag order pila ka days? thanks
to everyone asking:
this is not the official website of Danny’s Shoes. please contact them for questions about prices, deals, etc.
unsay complete address sa danny’s shoes? wanna go there… 🙂
pls.. paki answer.. salamat!
hi wana know d site of angelique shoes im very much interested wid the espadrilles shoes..cna u give me d contct no nd lso d site wer i can see der products tnxu hope to hear from u…
i like danny’s Shoes can i ask their contact #? tnx 😀
hi!! do you happen to know their official website
and contact numbers?
hi mr. danny. can i ask for your #?
diin banda ning danny’s shoes sa carcar…
nami gid bala ang iyang mga sapatos…
kung mahimo panghatag kamo sang address kag number…
pila jd ang original price sa angelique shoes the cute one the one that is so uso karon… kai dghn a.u mga mahal na kaayo… i’m from minglanilla dool ra kaayo dri i.anha dha… but una mo anha ko nahan ko ma kaw baw pila ang real price sa shoes… coz i so love the shoes and nahan ko mo buy ug dozen of it…
hi dan, im planning to have business like selling espadrilles which nibalik jud siya sa uso karon and other comfy flat shoes..pwede kaw ako kuhaon nga supplier..pls say yes..can i have ur contact number..pls txt me 09327726502..i dont have capital but i want to start by posting it to mulitply and cross selling it to my friends, then pay first before the products..am sure this will make you more money and so with mine too..dba dan? can we meet this sat..naa ra ko sa lipata minglanilla..thanks dan:-)
can i ask for danny’s shoes’ contact number and e-mail.,., mag-order unta mi ug shoes… and boots…
If you’re looking for contact numbers, please visit this link:
i need the list of price..thnks!do u have the new shoes now?called spradille?email me the price or txt me 09184183241
its amazing. quality is the best.Nice genuine leather footwear.i like danny’s Shoes.
Dear sir
good greeting
please can you help me that you send me homepage for carcar shoes industry..we need them mail and the telefon to kontakt them ..we think buy some shoes from them also for export outside filipin.
than if you can plese help me ..send your answer to my mail ..
best regards
Al-jubori Abid
Sir good mrng.plihog nya ko sketch sa imo danny shoes display center kay muanha ko this week-end………….mo himo sab mo high quality steel toe safety shoes ?
naka pabuhat ka customize safety shoes? asa? unsa ila contok number?
i want the price list…
bay musta diha c edwin apura ni
Die „Flüchtlingskrise, die nur durch die Zerstörung unseres Landes und unserer
Freiheit zu „meistern sein soll, ist nicht schicksalhaft
entstanden, sondern von den westlichen Eliten unter eifriger Mithilfe ihrer deutschen Statthalter gezielt herbeigeführt worden: Die
Liste der Herkunfts- und Transitländer der sogenannten Flüchtlinge –
Kosovo, Syrien, Irak, Libyen, Afghanistan – liest sich wie ein Who’s
who der Opfer westlicher Militärinterventionen.
Der Mangel an grünem Blattgemüse ist oft ein Grund dafür,
dass viele Veganer oder Rohköstler ständig abnehmen.
So ist es beispielsweise normal, bei Aufregung einen höheren Blutdruck zu haben, ganz ohne dass krankhafter Bluthochdruck
Fettstoffwechsel aktivieren kann man gezielt am besten mit einer auf das persönliche Leistungsvermögen angepasste, moderate Bewegung.
Wie das Ergebnis der Untersuchung zeigt, ist hoher Blutdruck oftmals
die Folge von Übergewicht und keine eigentliche Krankheit.
Zu einer ausgeglichenen Ernährung gehören Vitamine, Kohlenhydrate, Proteine, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente.
Zwar ist überall hinlänglich bekannt, dass eine ausgewogene Ernährung der Schlüssel zu einem gesunden und aktiven Leben ist.