Caohagan Island: Through The Eyes of a First-Timer

Believe it or not, but I’ve never been on an island-hopping tour in Mactan. As a matter of fact, the only island in Mactan that I’ve been to (other than the mainland) is Olango. So when a friend said that we would be going on an island-hopping trip for his birthday, I didn’t say no. I wasn’t expecting much but I was also excited about the things that I’d see.

We were set to visit four different islands in Mactan during this trip (I will do a separate post about the whole island-hopping experience.) Today, I will just talk about our third stop for this trip: Caohagan Island.

According to online sources, Caohagan is part of the Olango Group of Islands. With Olango considered part of Mactan, Caohagan is naturally a logical destination. I don’t know much about Caohagan prior to this trip. But my expectations were clear – there wouldn’t be anything special about this island.

We arrived in Caohagan before lunch time. The sky was so clear and the sun was scorching. But from the time we got off the boat in thigh-deep water, until I reached the beach, I never heard anyone complaining.

Caohagan is a pretty small island. While I was never able to really tour the whole place, a friend who’s been here a couple of times explained to me just how small it was.

I never got to fully appreciate the place until the water calmed down and the frantic, boisterous laughter from uber-excited visitors subsided around lunch time. When guests were stuffing their bellies in their boats while making sure to stay out of the sun.

It was during this time when Caohagan’s beauty sparkled to the fullest. The crystal clear waters, the powdery white sand, the blue sky, the quiet chit-chats from the locals — it was all so heavenly.

Even when the gang was asked to return to the boat for lunch, I had to excuse myself for a while. I had to take everything in. This was all too perfect.

Finally, we returned to the boat and we enjoyed our little feast. But the whole time my eyes were on the perfect beauty right in front of me — Caohagan.

After lunch, we decided to explore a bit. We went to the tiangge and marveled a the locally-made accessories and souvenir items the locals sold.

I also got to see the famous lab-asan where visitors can buy fresh catch and have them prepared on the spot. It was amazing!

Before we left, I had to take one final snap. This one was a personal promise that I would one day return.

Have you been to Caohagan? Let us hear about your experience!

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