MCPB is Now 9 Years Old!

So, before I forget, let me just say that My Cebu Photo Blog just turned 9 last November 29, 2015. Can you believe it? Nine years! That means this blog was already seven months old when the first iPhone model was released! Haha.

Anyways, as always, thanks for sticking around guys. I’m sure you all know who you are. And to all the friends I’ve made because of this personal endeavor, thanks a lot! I did this, I’m doing this, and I’ll keep doing this for all of you. And of course, for our beloved Cebu.

Payt mga Bisdak! Daghan kaayong salamat! 😀

9 thoughts on “MCPB is Now 9 Years Old!

  1. Congratulations! Your blog is a delight to read, very informative and helpful to us who wish to travel Cebu. Keep up the good work.

  2. Congratulations and thank you for sharing your gift of wonder with us. I actually follow you. Keep on! Consider this an advocacy but I do think it is also an apostolate! God bless you!

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