MCPB: Testing My New Camera Lacey

Wow! I love how Lacey (my new camera) delivers awesome night shots. I mean, this photo might not be awesome for some of you, but it’s still way better than the shots I took using my previous cameras.

Seriously, I can’t wait to take photos this Christmas! I am so excited!

Here are some of my shot using Lacey:

Carbon Market at night

The camera’s zoom is awesome as well! It’s like the Waterfront Hotel in Lahug is just next door.

Can’t wait to do more with my camera! That’s all for today. 🙂

9 thoughts on “MCPB: Testing My New Camera Lacey

  1. wow wow woe. Leyland,
    Its a amazing nindot kaayo ug mga kuha sa imong bag-ong Camera!!!!!!
    We thankx to all to make it for you!!!! bisan wala aku maka donors
    Next time nalang!!!!! Good luck Ley!!!!
    I’m happy For you!!
    From; Milette;

  2. lei! ganahan gyud au ko motrabaho diha waterfront… mga gwapa ra daw ang madawat diha hik!bwahahaha apply niya ko hehehe LOL

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