Crazy for Binaliw Spring

Whenever I travel to the northern end of Cebu, I always make it a point to stop at one of my most favorites places in the whole island. (I’ve already blogged about this place twice before here and here.) It doesn’t have well-manicured lawns or neatly arranged picnic tables or fine, white sand. To tell you the truth, it’s still quite unclear why I am totally in love with this place. But if you really want an answer, well, I guess it’s because it is quiet, simple, and just completely unassuming.

Ladies and gentlemen, for the nth time, Sogod town’s Binaliw Spring.

Binaliw Spring is a small natural spring in Barangay Bagatayam in the town of Sogod, Northern Cebu. Feeding the famous road-side Bagatayam Waterfall, the spring is popular among locals and tourists for its fresh and cool natural pool. A lot of tourists also come to the spring to visit the miraculous image of the Our Lady of Lourdes which is housed in a grotto built right on top of its source.

The grotto of the Our Lady of Lourdes in Bagatayam, Sogod, Cebu.

The cool natural pool looks amazing especially just before sundown.

By stacking large rocks near the end of the stretch, the locals were able to find a way to create their very own natural swimming pool. Looks really lovely, don’t you think?

Now, what I truly love about this place is that it becomes completely deserted right before sun set (which also happens to be the time I usually arrive before driving back to the city.) With the sun out and the whole place completely quiet, you can have a truly relaxing and rejuvenating afternoon swim. Also, don’t worry about entrance fees and stuff like that. It’s completely free! And most importantly, nobody asks for parking fee!

This is the deepest part of the pool. It’s only chest-deep so dives and jumps are not encouraged. Selfies and groufies highly recommended, though.

The river then flows at least a mile before it reaches the Bagatayam Falls which is clearly visible from the North National Highway. If you don’t want to miss it, slow down when you reach Sogod proper and be on the lookout for Bagatayam Bridge.

Best feeling in the world!

Will definitely keep coming back!

If you haven’t been to Binaliw, it’s never too late to drop by and go gaga over this natural spot.

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